Tree Pruning or Tree Lopping ?
Many people refer to tree prunning as tree lopping, this however refers to height reduction by removing the crown of a tree. This is ok with some speices but with others such as Eucalypts it is a dangerous practice as the tree then grows epicormic shoots to replace that canopy. These epicormic shoots grow to become large and dangerous with a high risk of becoming detached and falling.

Significant Tree Maintenance & Pruning
Many trees throughout the urban environment are classified as significant and these trees are governed by state legislation. Within the guidelines of this legislation there are exemptions for remedial tree pruning that do not require formal written consent from local government.
ArborSmart work closely with all local government Councils to ensure compliance with all significant tree legislation.
Significant Tree Pruning & Maintenance should only be undertaken by qualified and experienced arborists.

Hazard Reduction Pruning
Arbor Smart addresses numerous issues when assessing a tree, some of the main considerations being:
Branch extension
Foliage end weight (the amount of foliage concentrated towards the end of a branch)
Branch taper
Branch direction
Structural defects such as inclusions, cavities, rot, disease
Hazard Reduction Pruning should only be undertaken by qualified and experienced arborists.

Branch Removal
Retention of deadwood in mature trees is integral to the environment to provide valuable habitat for native fauna. A careful balance between risk management and provision of natural habitat is assessed prior to undertaking work to ensure maximum benefit is achieved.
Removal of entire branches from within a tree crown can be beneficial or a necessity for a wide range of reasons including:
Clearing branches overhanging or touching existing infrastructure
Making room for proposed new structures on development sites
To increase areas of space
To reduce levels of shade.
To remove damaged or broken branches